Bridgette Mongeon
Houston, Texas Sculptor, Writer and Educator
A Renaissance Woman- Bridgette's passions are vast and deep. She loves bringing to life ideas in clay and bronze. Her research and experimental work created in her a desire to bridge the gap between fine art and digital technology, and in doing so, she has created a niche for herself.
Creating art, being an author, and sharing her journey through her coaching, mentorships, workshops, and lectures have fueled her life. Helping others to understand their potential feeds her soul.
"When I was starting, all of my interests seemed scattered. But it is like I was weaving a tapestry and looking closely at all the threads. It is not until you rise and look at your life as God does, that you can see the big picture. It is the most incredible life ever. I am not sure how it has all come together, but it is the most vibrant creation I have ever seen."
Sculpting History | Houston, TX Sculptor
Over thirty years ago, Bridgette began experimenting with sculpture during a family vacation while laying in the sand. When she returned home, Bridgette began a journey of self-education in her new-found passion. A few years later, she gave up her career in advertising and marketing to become a full-time sculptor and writer.
"Self-taught- I thought everyone had a passion for learning and study. Finding an interest and devouring everything found on a subject was a lifestyle. It does not matter the subject— the brain and creativity, marketing, psychology, health, art. Exploration is invigorating."

Becoming a master sculptor, Bridgette pushed herself further and explored how new technologies were influencing fine art. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in interdisciplinary study and has a dual degree, one in writing, and another in art. Her degree from Goddard College was one of the first to combine fine art and digital technology. Her book is titled 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting, and Milling -Focal Press 2015. She based the book on her thesis on art and technology.
STEAM education, the interdisciplinary approach of Science, Technology Engineering Art and Math continues to fuel her writing, lectures, and studies. Focusing on fine art and technology through her writing and lecturing brought the honor as number 19 of 30 most influential women in 3D printing in 2016.
Her book is used in academics and maker spaces while also being in the collection of such museums as the Albright Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, NY, and the Hirsch library in the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. She enjoys speaking on technology in art and encouraging adults and children in STEAM—the interdisciplinary study of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.
Writing Experience | Houston, TX Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon
Holding crayons in a tiny hand brought dreams of being an artist. But libraries brought the love of the written word. Telling stories, whether they be about experiences or research, was what started a career as a writer. A contributing writer on several books led her to co-author on Digital Sculpting with Mudbox Essential Tools and Techniques for Artists, a technical manual for artists using the Mudbox program. Her research for graduate studies sparked her solo authored book 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting, and Milling.
Her heart has always longed to have her children's books published, and with encouragement and inspiration from her granddaughter, she is in pursuit of an agent.
She is an experiential writer. It is all in her stories. Some trying business experiences sparked her new book titled, The Zen of Business and Carving a Creative Life.
Bridgette has often said she has two muses, and lovers, writing, and art, and she has learned to play them one against the other. She keeps one at bay while dancing with another. When she is writing she longs to be sculpting, but waits. And when she is sculpting she longs to be writing but waits. This anticipation and prolonged anticipation makes each rendezvous exciting and fills her with anticipation.
Speaker, Lecturer, Coach and Mentor
Bridgette's first speaking engagement was at the age of 13. She was talking to a group of peers about the difficulties of her childhood and how she got through them. When she was done, a young girl, her own age, came to her and said, "thank you for sharing. I know that if you could get through it I can too." This conversation has stayed with Bridgette and plays daily in her life. "Life is in our stories, and there is power and strength there."
Bridgette speaks on a variety of topics including her process of bringing digital technology into fine art. Talking to others about STEAM or STEM, the interdisciplinary education encouraging Science, Technology Engineering, Art and Math, is something she is passionate about. She especially likes to encourage young women as they pursue STEAM disciplines.
Her workshops on healing through the arts have helped many to get through difficult times. Marketing in the Arts workshops assist artists, writers, musicians and small businesses to find a plan, get excited, and achieve their fullest potential,
Coaching and mentoring offer Mongeon the opportunity to guide individuals through their own process of growing as an individual and a creative person.
"No matter what happens in life, if I can help one other person because of what I have learned by going through my own difficulties —it is worth it." Bridgette
"In our pilgrimage on this earth we sometimes fail to see,
all who the Lord touches through us in simple words and deeds. "
-Bridgette Mongeon
"I was beginning to look at obstacles as learning experiences,
and ways of gaining knowledge.
If life wanted to hand me lemons,
I was not only going to make lemonade,
but I'd use the zest for cookies, plant seeds for future fruit,
and turn the rind into compost to grow flowers,
all the while giving thanks for lemons. "
-Bridgette Mongeon
"Defend the A
and go with STEAM!"
-Bridgette Mongeon, The Art of Business
For me as a sculptor, it is useless if I can't get it out of the computer.
-Bridgette Mongeon
"In my studio, Alice and her friends get big and small, not with mushrooms and elixirs but with digital technology."
-Bridgette Mongeon