
Bridgette Mongeon has a variety of classes that she teaches. To have a wider reach of instruction, she is developing online courses in a variety of subjects. These great courses also come with regular communication with the artist through an online community.

Peruse the list below. Translating classes from in-person to online takes a bit of time. If you would like to be made aware of future courses, please drop us a line below. Signing up for courses can be done through this portal. Both Bridgette and her daughter Christina Sizemore have classes listed here.

Marketing in The Arts Classes/Workshops

This program was put together by both presenters Bridgette Mongeon and Christina Sizemore as a way for small businesses to be able to learn and do their own marketing and public relations.

Small businesses and those in the arts typically don't have budgets for marketing, but they desire to grow. These workshops provide the necessary tools to move to the next step in business. Bridgette and Christina have filled each session with tools and information to enable attendees to begin working toward their goals immediately. At the end of each session, a clear task list helps participants focus on their goals and the next steps.

Who are these workshops for?

Small businesses or those working in the arts will find these workshops beneficial. You can sign up as an individual or have your organization provide the workshops for their members. An online webinar during COVID keeps your group community thriving and supports each member in their personal growth.

Support After the Workshop

The presenters offer more than just tools to help you grow and get ahead. Enrolling in the workshops provides each attendee the opportunity to join the private online group. In this group, you can post questions and also share some of your accomplishments. The assistance does not stop after the end of the workshops.

market creativity

Our Presenters

Bridgette Mongeon

Online Marketing Classes

Bridgette got her start in public relations, marketing and advertising in the 80's before breaking off into making a living while living a dream creating her own artwork and writing. She used those tools to build her art career and enjoys sharing her stories and secrets with others. As a master sculptor and published author she enjoys creating, but what fills her heart with delight is helping others to achieve their dreams and realize their full potential.

Christina Sizemore

marketing classes online

Christina holds a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and a certification in Fine Art. She has 12 years of experience in the marketing industry from lead graphic designer positions to director of marketing positions, and now works as a freelance marketing consultant, helping local businesses build their brand and reach their consumers. She has a heart for small and local business and believes the tools in these classes will help them prosper.

The Online Marketing Workshops

Workshops marked with an * are essential to proceed with the others on marketing.

Get Into the Mindset of Marketing *

Presented by Bridgette Mongeon (1 hr, Plus Q&A)

To start this process, we must understand that advancing in business is more than just what you do; it is how you feel about what you are going to do. This class helps you understand the hidden things that may prevent you from moving forward and give you tools to help you through breaking barriers.

Target Markets: An Artist's / Writer's Perspective *

Presented by Bridgette Mongeon (1 hr, Plus Q&A)

If you are like Bridgette, then being told what to do is very different from having examples applicable to your industry. Bridgette shares learning about target marketing and applying it to her personal art/writing/small business career. Her stories and adventures will intrigue and infuse participants.

Small Business Photography

Presented by Christina Sizemore (1.5hr, Plus Q&A)

Learn different kinds of commercial photography and how to shoot high-quality images with nothing more than your phone. We will cover elements of photography, tips, tricks, and a live demonstration on lighting. In addition, we'll cover how to utilize your photos for print and web, what size and file format they need to be, and some commercial photography legalities.

Public Relations & Marketing Materials

Presented by Bridgette Mongeon (1 hr, Plus Q&A)

How to write a press release, find the outlets, and become a PR sleuth for your business are covered in this class. Bridgette shares some free tools that are valuable assets in getting immediate results. Bridgette also shares the marketing materials and resources that everyone should have in their tool box.

Be a Marketing Detective: Understanding Your Target Market *

Presented by Christina Sizemore (1 hr, Plus Q&A)

Who exactly is your consumer? Let's find out in this class while we explore demographics, psychographics, geographics, and behavior. We'll learn how to understand your target market by generational marketing. Let's further your target market by finding market segments you haven't even identified yet.

Branding 101: Your Brand is Your Identity

Presented by Christina Sizemore (1.5hr, Plus Q&A)

Meet the most important class you'll take when it comes to your brand. Learn about logos, color guides, where you need to think about branding and what it means to your consumer. We'll look at a few case studies to further explore successful branding. We'll also discuss brand message and what that means for you.

Branding & Your Platform: An Artist's / Writer's Perspective

Presented by Bridgette Mongeon (1.5hr, Plus Q&A)

Eyes are on you. Or they should be. What do you want people to know about you and your business? How much reach do you have in your influences? Bridgette focuses on Branding and Platform from an artist/writer's perspective.

Social Media Marketing 101

Presented by Christina Sizemore (1 hr, Plus Q&A)

We'll cover the big three, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Understand who uses these platforms, how to utilize the platforms for your goals, how to speak to your target market, and how to make your social media work for you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 101

Presented by Christina Sizemore (1 hr, Plus Q&A)

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a term most people have heard, but few truly understand. Let's go over the basics so you can build strong SEO within your site to increase your organic reach over time.

What People Are Saying About Our Marketing Workshops

"Your presentation is chock full of new concepts, ideas and information and can be useful to people with a variety of educational backgrounds."

Jon Picker

Registered art therapist and artist-Houston

"I left the room with the certainty that if fame and fortune were going to be mine,
it would only occur if I took the bull by the horns, and you showed me not only where the bull was but how to get the horns, as well.

Besides your ebullient enthusiasm, which is highly contagious, you also shared with us lucky attendees
really practical steps to
getting where we want to go. I left the lecture with a suitcase of ideas."

Mary Erbert

"In regards of the board members and associates of the Visual Arts Alliance, I have the pleasure of writing to you to express, somehow, words are not sufficient, how very pleased we were with your interesting and loquacious presentation.

It is so wonderful to see somebody with multiple talents, be so generous in giving us all the great amount of information about marketing."

Maria Wan
Secretary, Visual Arts Alliance-Houston


"Your presentation was terrific! You are so energetic and enthusiastic.

The amount and type of information you gave to our group was incredible."

Debra Rube
Former President
Houston Women's Caucus for the Arts

"This workshop is a necessity for every practicing artist and student.

I commend Ms. Mongeon on the development of such a resource."

Professor David Hickman-
University of Houston

Former President
Houston Society of Illustrators

Continuing Support

Marketing in the Arts and Small Business Private Group

Bridgette and Christina invite attendees to join a private online Facebook group. This group gives attendees the opportunity to ask more questions, post progress, and get feedback. It is easy to feel excited about a workshop after it is over, but when you get into the nitty-gritty, sometimes you feel lost. It is nice to have a place to go to get answers and encouragement. Readily being able to access professionals and others who are also on their journey of marketing and public relations is one of the most valuable pieces of this package.

Where to Sign Up For Workshops

If you are a member of an organization, tell them about these workshops. There are significant discounts for groups who offer them in bulk to their members. You can choose which workshops you would like to offer to your group; however, those marked with an * are essential to proceed with the others on marketing.

Do you want to be in our next group of attendees? That is easy. Just fill out the contact form below, and we will let you know when we offer the next session.

Interested in Taking A Workshop/Classes?

Please fill out the form below. While we're in the process of creating our workshops in an online at your own pace format, we are still doing live workshops. If you're interested, please fill out the form below and include what workshops interest you in the "Your Message" section. We'll contact you back with our current schedule.

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