
Over the years, Bridgette Mongeon has created a variety of awards for different organizations. The artist and client work on a design idea.  The artist makes the sculpture and a mold, and each year the client orders their awards. Also, if you want to commemorate a specific doner, some groups give a commissioned portrait bust of the doner's loved one. For example, I Have a Dream commissioned the artist for one patron, and that patron, in turn, did the same thing for Nolan Ryan- of his grandchild. It is much more personal than an engraved vase, and an incredible gift.

Interested in commissioning an award? Contact us!

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Award Sculpture Highlights

Bridgette is a perpetual documenter and creates blog posts on many of her jobs. Click on the links below to see that category of blog posts referring to awards.


The newsboy bronze is a wonderful gift to give those in editorial or newspaper publication. Bridgette has documented the process of creating both the small and life size newsboy sculptures through these posts

Best of Big Taste

Best of Big Taste is a different type of award as it is passed around each year to different restaurants.  Bridgette used 3D technology to create this award. Learn the process following these blog posts.

What type of awards are there? 

A personalized award is a great way to pay tribute to exceptional achievements. There are many "types" of awards. Some are figurative, and some are abstract. The award really depends on the organization and the feeling that they are trying to portray. Is it a one time award? Or-is it, like the Best of Big Taste one that travels and has new names added each year?

Bridgette creates awards that are more than trophies, they are works of art. Some, as in the newsboy award, are bronze awards that are cast and given to those in the newspaper industry. Other awards she casts in similar, but less expensive materials to make them look bronze. Bridgette can also have the award mounted on a wooden base or create an award that has a plate area already in the design.

Can you create different levels for my awards?

There is a simple solution for the need of levels of achievement and personalized awards.  Bridgette can create the award design, and when it is reproduced, she can stain it in different colors for different levels. Bronze, silver, and gold are all possibilities. She can also recreate a portion of the award or a smaller version of it to celebrate other levels of accomplishment.

What is the cost of an award?

The cost of an award depends on the amount of material, type of material, and difficulty of  design. The artist will divide the price up into three sections. The first is the design which she will create with the client. Second cost is for the molds for reproductions and the third is the per piece cost of making the awards. An average design starts at $2,500 not including the cost of materials. The client is purchasing the legal rights to recreate Bridgette's design for awards. If the client has another manufacturer for the award, she can work with them to have them reproduce this design for awards.  Call the artist to get details on how to make your vision into a tribute that will long be remembered.

What else can we do to recoginze someone very influential?

Several times, organizations have had important people who have made a difference. How do you give someone who has everything something different? How can you honor them with something more than another crystal vase or a trinket from a trophy store? These organizations hired Bridgette to create a portrait bust of the recipient's child or grandchild. One of the best ways to show appreciation is by giving something from the heart. Give Bridgette a call to discuss a commission for that particular person who has made a difference and is worth recognizing.