Being A Mentor-

Mongeon works as a mentor and coach
Mentor, student  and parent signing a contract.

I love to inspire other people in their creative endeavors. In all my own explorations of writing, art, podcasts, tutorials, blogging it is what excites me. By my sharing I might be able to help another person in their creative exploration.

I take on interns in the studio on a regular basis, but I wanted this mentorship program to be more one on one, more instructional and geared to advancing the knowledge  of the individuals particular direction. I have looked for mentorship programs in the arts. I had the idea that I could mentor a young student or even college student either locally or abroad. In my research I have found their are mentor programs in just about everything else but… the arts.  Last year, before our regular Upside Christmas Party and Art Show I put together a small poster of my desire to be a mentor and put it on my door. There was a young visitor at the studio who came with his parents. He saw the post and asked his parents if he could apply.

It took Austin 6 months, but this week I received his letter of intent. His parents said he rewrote it many times.

Now to work out the structure of this Mentorship Program.  If you want to follow along I’ll be tagging these posts with the category Mentorship Program. I also created a blog where Austin and I will be working.  YOu can find it on The Creative Endeavor- Mentor page. Perhaps you want to follow along or know someone else who might want to follow along. Of course, unless they sign up with me they won’t get the one on one that I am giving Austin.

Yes, I know I am very, very busy. But this mentorship is very important to me. And as long as Austin puts in the work, I’ll be right behind him.


First off is the contract- I think it is important to hae a commitment between the individuals. I want to know that the student is serious and I am sure he wants to know I am serious.

I hope to structure this mentorship similar to the self guided progreessive education that I experienced at Vermont College or Goddard College.

Structure of contract.

Contract between Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon (Mentor)

and _________________________________________________________ (Student).

Age____________________Birthdate_____________________ Grade_____________

It is understand that student and mentor are entering into an agreement of inspirational and creative nature.

Bridgette agrees to assist _______________________________________

in exploring his/her creative potential through :

  • One on one classes
  • Instruction
  • Conversations
  • Field trips and work in the artist’s studio when possible.

It is understood that this is a summer contract and is more rigorous than a school year mentor program. This mentor program goes from The May 19th to August 24th.

The student agrees to a commitment of a minimum of four hours a week to this agreement. The commitment not only includes the above but the student also agrees to:

  • Do the designated “homework” as instructed by mentor
  • Document his creative endeavors as instructed by mentor

Every other week the student agrees to send a progress report to the mentor. This progress report is a simple letter that states what he/ she has done for the last two weeks, how they felt about it, talk about art they have started/finished, art shows they have attended and artists they have reviewed and books that they have read. (This can also be done, with the permission of the parents on a free blog created by the mentor and student at, and through phone conversations)

  • The student commits to keeping a regular hardbound drawing book and filling one page a week.
  • Student agrees to read a minimum of 2 art books from the designated list of reading. ( We will be reading one together)
  • Student understands that this is a self-guided study with the overseeing of the mentor. Additional work and other artistic distractions are encouraged.

Student understands that should the mentorship program interfere with regular school studies the mentorship will be immediately dissolved. By signing this agreement, parents realize that there is sometimes danger when working with art tools and the mentor will not be held liable for any injury to their child. Should the child and parent wish the mentorship to continue after the designated period the student can apply for another mentorship. Mentor asks that parents send a letter to her after the completion of this program reviewing the program and the progress they see in the student.

Parents agree that they will help encourage and support the student in this creative endeavor.


Mentors signature____________________________________________________

Student’s signature __________________________________________________

Parent’s signature___________________________________________________

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