My First Inspiration Comes Back

My favorite sculpture in the Glenwood cemetery.

When I first started sculpting nearly 30 years ago I became intrigued with cemeteries. When I travel, I visit them like some choose to visit museums, or historical buildings.  When I go to the cemeteries, I gravitate toward certain plots. I visit them as if I knew the individuals buried there.  I visit because of the art.

From the moment I entered Glenwood Cemetery, many years ago I fell in love with this sculpture. It is very simple. It does not look like it belongs on the base where it is placed.  I remember when I first began sculpting, even before I began creating work for cemeteries I said, “One day I hope to create a sculpture like this, with the same feeling and emotion and peace.”  When I would envision my own burial plot, it is this sculpture that I envision on it.

Today a potential client called and told me that she and her mother liked one specific angel in the cemetery. They would really like their sculpture similar to this.  I was elated.  It was my angel! Though I’m not sure we should call her an angel because she does not have wings.

I don’t know if I will get the commission.  I do hope I do, as it will fulfill a deep desire in me that I have held for 30 years, but I think it is nice to know that this sculpture that I have loved has a special place in the heart of others as well.  I hope when I am gone, others will feel that way about the work I leave behind.


Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at

She is the vice chair of the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series

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