Delivery, Installation And Dedication of a Life Size Bronze Sculpture
The process has been a long one from the first call to the artist to delivery and installation of the art. Both artist and client are heading to the finish line. Delivery and installation change drastically depending on the size of the sculpture and the placement. Let's follow John Turner to his final destination. Don't forget to watch the video to the right. This documents what John Turner "sees" as he feels his way around the sculpture tribute of himself and his seeing eye dog.
The Internal Structure
There are many different ways that a sculpture can be mounted. It can be flush with the ground, or it can float above the ground. In cases of a floating sculpture, mulch or landscaping fills the space beneath it. You will notice that inside the sculpture of John Turner, the foundry has welded metal nuts. They are also in the dog. The foundry attaches the threaded rod, then they create a template for the artist. The template will show the installers exactly where the nuts are in relation to the sculpture edges. John and his dog are small enough to fit in the artist's van. She wraps him up to protect him and bolts him down. Frisco, Texas will be a four hour drive. Time to take John for a ride.

No Cranes or Forklifts, Just Big Strong People
With large sculptures, cranes and forklifts may be necessary, but in the case of John Turner, a few strong men are all that Bridgette needs. Together they take the sculpture out of her van and set it in place.

Dry Fit
Unified Fine Arts helped the artist to install this sculpture. Poured weeks before, to the artist's specifications, the concrete foundation is ready to receive the sculpture. First, the men place the statue as a dry fit. The artist and client step back and see how John and his dog interact with their surroundings. A metal dedication plate is another design element that the artist must incorporate into the installation. Once they agree on placement, they draw pencil lines around the art and then set it aside.

Drilling Holes
Now that there is a pencil outline, they can use the template that the foundry made. Unified Fine Arts puts it on the concrete in the same position as the dry fit. They mark the holes where the nuts and threaded rod are in the underside of the dog and man. Now they must drill the holes. Drill, vacuum, drill, vacuum, it is a dance the installers play as they get the holes just right.

Securing The Sculpture
Now it is time for another dry fit, but this time with the threaded rods threaded into the bolts under the sculpture. The men raise the sculpture, set it down, and it fits perfectly.
The installation is almost complete. United Fine Arts puts epoxy in the holes and then sets the sculpture with the threaded rod back in place. Voila. The installation is complete.
Bridgette has brought a black drape to drape the sculpture. This way, John himself can unveil the sculpture at the dedication. Weather was great for the setting of the concrete slab; the delivery and installation were perfect. Bridgette can't wait to see what a blind man thinks about her sculpture. He will be the toughest critic as he will feel his way to discover if I have created a good likeness. It has been an honor to do this sculpture for Frisco, Texas and the Turners. Be sure to watch the video above to see John's expression when he "sees" the sculpture for the first time.
Check Out the Next Steps in the Process
Bridgette brings to life all sorts of scenes. Let's talk about yours.