Thanks To Focal Press For Believing In My New Book Project!

Digital sculpting with Mudbox book
Focal Press is the publisher of my last book created with Mike de la Flor titled Digital Sculpting with Mudbox. I’m thrilled that they believe in this new book 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploration of 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling

I am very happy to report that I have just received my signed book contract with Focal Press for my book, 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploration of 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling. The contract came to me yesterday, and well, the original book deadline was tomorrow, but I have pushed it until the first of October. I know there will be presales of the book and will be sure to let everyone know when that is.  The book is due out next year, and plans are already under way for a tour of lectures, presentations of vendors materials, book signings etc.  If you are interested in being a part of that please let me know. We are planning both a tour in United States and another in Europe, being that so many of the artists and vendors are from Europe.  Maker spaces, libraries, CG meet up groups, fine art groups, and vendors, please keep this in mind. Let’s work together to create many special events that inform, inspire and encourage the joining of fine art, craft and 3D technology. Send me your dates and let’s talk so we can pencil each other in.

Focal Press is also the publisher of Digital Sculpting With Mudbox: Essential Tools and Techniques for Artists that I wrote with Mike de la Flor. I know a book combining art and technology is not their norm. I’m so glad they believe in this project.  I know I do.

If you are interested in hearing more about the book, and up and coming speaking engagements please sign up for my newsletter.


Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at

She is the vice chair of the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012 and 2013

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