My Book on 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft is Now Available on Amazon

Bridgette's book on 3D technology
Bridgette Mongeon’s Book pre order April 2015 release September 2015

I have been waiting on this for a while. My new book on 3D Technology In Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing Scanning, Sculpting, and Milling is now available on Amazon for Pre order.   I’m already starting on a new book. This new book is similar to this book, however it follows one job right through. The job is creating a monumental bronze sculpture of the Mad Hatter’s tea party for a Texas Park.  I do not yet, at this date, have a publisher for the Finding Alice process book. You can follow along on the new book and project on this blog or the Finding Alice process page.  

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Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at

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