The Tiger Has a New Home, at Shidoni Foundry in NM!
The foundry that is casting this sculpture is not in Houston, instead it is in New Mexico. That means three things:
1. The tiger molds need to take a trip from Houston, Texas to Shidoni Foundry in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
2. The molds will eventually need to come back to Houston. I’ll be flying back to NM to look at the metal and approve the sculpture before it ships out.
3. The sculpted tiger will be taking a long trip from Santa Few, New Mexico to Grambling State University in Louisiana. It would be fun to see if anyone can spot it on the long journey.
If you have been following this blog you will see that the sculpting is complete, and 1/2 of the foundry process is complete. The molds have been made and now the foundry will be painting waxes in all of these molds. I’ll keep the documentation going with the help of Shidoni.
DATE OF INSTALLATION? We are all trying to have the sculpture on campus by Nov 2nd for homecoming, but there are no promises. A lot of coordinating needs to be done for this to happen. Stay tuned.
I’m looking forward to seeing the entire thing together. Remember I could not see all of the rocks with the tiger as it was not feasible to put it entirely together in the hot warehouse in Houston. I can’t wait to see it all together at Shidoni.