Thinking About Illustrating

Water color painting of my daughter and I.

Many years ago, before I was a sculptor, I painted.

Yes, it is true. The commissions I received, way back then, were for watercolor or pastel portraits. That was so long ago that the picture I am showing here is my daughter and I. My daughter is now headed toward 26!

I think it is curious that I have been away from two dimensional work for so long that it now feels difficult to visualize in 2d. That is why I have taken so well to 3d sculpting in programs like Mudbox or Zbrush. Not only can I create in the computer but I can color these 3d sculptures and drop them to canvas creating illustrations.

Why is this important to me now in my life? Because I have about 5 or 6 children’s books that I have written and I would really like to have them published. But, because I am an artist I have a hard time giving them over to an illustrator to do the illustrations. Unless of course that illustrator was my husband, I am considering this. This is one area of my art that I feel I need to pull together.

It is funny, this gap in my creativity was really the jumping board this past year for writing the young adult novel. I figured if I wrote a young adult novel I would not have to illustrate it.

My other old favorite was pen and ink.  Ah if I could do that then I could have a blast with some of my poetry writing for kids.

Don’t be surprised if my creative endeavors in the future consist of doing 2d illustration.

Not to fear. I am not giving up sculpting, just expanding things a bit.

As I stated in another post-

If I was asked, who I’d like to have been.
I’d aspire to be Shel Silverstein.

Mixed with another I could deduce
A helping smidgen of Dr. Seuss

Educating children would be sweet
I wish I’d created Sesame Street.

So truly if asked who I’d like to have been
My reply would then be seussyhensstein.


Bridgette Mongeon-
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series Follow the artists on twitter Facebook Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

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