Twitter Answers?

I have been tweeting, which is a very short comments on different things that I post through the day. Most people twitter from their phones, I twitter on my computer. People can subscribe to your twitters. I have no idea exactly who subscribes to my twitters, but right now I assume they are anyone that is interested in sculpting, digital sculpting, art, marketing, and the like. My twitter name is sculptorwriter for my fine art and creategodsword for my gift line. Just incase anyone wants to subscribe.
My tweets appear on my facebook home page as well as on my blogs. Some people actually answer me through my twitter posts, giving me resources or answers to questions. This is really cool, but warning, I have no idea how to answer someone when they respond to my twitter post. But I’m not sure if that is really necessary.

When tweeting about my frustration with accounting and Quick Books I tweeted about wishing my accountant offered help with my Quick Books. there are just some things I don’t know how to figure out. So instead of trying to pose a twitter question on quick books in only 140 characters,( the max when tweeting) I’ll post it here.


If I have a vendor- foundry that gives me an estimate on the project. It is awarded to them when I get the job and then I pay them in two installments, but I’m not sure how to set it up. You see right now I have to receive the item in QB before making a payment. That means I have to say ” received bronze newsboy cast” even though it may take up to two months and will have a couple of payments. So what is the best way to set up this vendor and the payments in Quick books?

There you have it. I’ll let you know what others say.

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