100 Marketing Ideas

As part of my workshop in Marketing in the Arts, which is good for any business, not just for artists, I cover in detail a lot of the things listed below.  But I thought it would be helpful to have a list of “100 Things I Can Do to Market Myself.”  That way if you are have a slow day and want to be productive you can cull through the list and do something.  You are welcome to reprint this list with the credit and link to this site.

100 Ways to Market Myself- by Bridgette Mongeon http://www.creativesculture.com

  1. GENERAL: Print out “100 Things to Market Yourself” from https://creativesculpture.com/forum or blog
  2. Engage every day in at least one marketing activity.
  3. Get organized—create a marketing notebook, with plan, etc.
  4. Develop a marketing plan or calendar with to do lists.
  5. Brainstorm- What can I do to help build my platform?
  6. Brainstorm- What is my branding?
  7. Brainstorm- Do I have more than one branding or platform?
  8. Write marketing materials- for brochures, websites etc.
  9. SETTING GOALS: What are my goals? Define them.
  10. Write them down in marketing notebook.
  11. Go to www.creativesculpture.com sign up for the marketing forum and check in or post a question — Accountability.
  12. PRINT: Make business cards.
  13. Give away business cards.
  14. Create other printed material as needed- brochures etc.
  15. Create a print media kit.
  16. Have a publicity photo taken – or several.
  17. INTERNET: Subscribe to an internet user group.
  18. Sign up for google reader.
  19. Join a list serve.
  20. Join a group or website that is pertinent to my target market.
  21. Create a signature for my e mails with my web address/blog etc.
  22. Create a signature to use whenever I respond to an online post.
  23. Look into selling product online.
  24. Explore Paypal/shopping carts.
  25. Social book mark articles or posts.
  26. Join Facebook– link it to my blog and twitter.
  27. Join Linked in- link it to my blog and twitter.
  28. Join other groups pertinent to your target market.  Link it to my blog and twitter.
  29. Does my writers group, publisher, artists group etc. offer any ways to promote through an online blog or website? Link your blog and twitter account there.
  30. Start collecting a list.
  31. Think about writing an E book that you  can sell on the internet and supports your platform.
  32. Start an online newsletter. www. interspire.com
  33. DEFINE YOUR MARKET: Identify a new target market .
  34. Examine trends and how they relate to your target market.
  35. WEBSITES: Collect information for a website
  36. Develop a web address- register
  37. Work on your site map
  38. Create a website
  39. Create an online media kit
  40. Submit your website to directories
  41. Develop your search engine optimization key words and phrases- meta tag information.
  42. Spend time on Self Promotion.com submitting your information and promoting your site.
  43. Create a way to collect a list.
  44. Develop an email newsletter.
  45. Create an online media kit with press photographs.
  46. Come up with a list of media questions that can be asked.
  47. Create an online list of works published.
  48. Create an online list of publicity received.
  49. BLOGS: Start a blog.
  50. Commit to regular updates on blog daily, weekly, monthly.
  51. How can I tie in current events or seasons with my target market and blog?
  52. Take photographs that will accompany your blog posts.
  53. Focus on out how to get people to come back to your blog. What will you offer that your target market needs to keep coming back for?
  54. EDUCATION: Go the the Creativessculpture.com  forums and read some of the information on marketing in the arts that is there. ( In 2020 Bridgette replaced the forum with a private online facebook group at Marketing in the Arts and Small Business)
  55. Educate yourself on marketing- Doing searches on the web for articles that will educate you.
  56. Spend time at www.selfpromotions.com. learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
  57. Spend an hour at the Small Business Administration Website learning about business and marketing.
  58. Take a free class at the SBA.
  59. Spend an hour at the Score Website take a free class
  60. Spend an hour at the Small Business Development website Sign up for a free class  (This link is for Houston- locate one in your area.)
  61. Go to Publicity hound and sign up for free information on marketing and press releases.
  62. Brainstorm with a friend or consultant about marketing alternatives.
  63. Learn a program—Word Press, photo editing program, newsletter program that will assist you with your marketing.
  64. Go to different publishers websites like Simon & Schuster and learn about marketing your work.
  65. TWITTER: Create a twitter account
  66. Create a scheduled twitter account with one of the companies like Twaitter
  67. Designate an hour a week to schedule tweets pertaining to your target market.
  68. Tweet your blog posts.
  69. Connect with other twitters pertinent to your target marketing.
  70. Watch others with programs that are similar to your target market.
  71. Find other important information to retweet about.
  72. ARTICLES: Write Free articles that support your goals or target market- post them on the web . (Be sure to include a link back to your site.)
  73. Write articles that make you an “expert in your field.”
  74. PODCASTS: Search out podcast pertinent to your target market and send them an e-mail.
  75. Resend e-mails if no response.
  76. Post links to podcasts that you have been on. Twitter about them and put them on your blog.
  77. Create your own podcast or create it under an umbrella organization that is pertinent to your market.
  78. VIDEOS: Create a Vlog.
  79. Create a video interview.
  80. Create  book trailer.
  81. Create an online portfolio.
  82. PRESS RELEASES: Gather media contacts for press release.
  83. Find free distributions for press releases.
  84. Write press releases.
  85. Submit Press Release snail Mail.
  86. Submit Press Release e-mail.
  87. Think of how “seasonal” information will help you with your press releases.
  88. Come up with ways to help others while promoting your self ( human interest stories).
  89. SOCIAL: Connect with someone who will support your endeavors.
  90. “Plan for your pony” by going to a conference.
  91. Talking to other who do what you want to do.
  92. Send thank you cards to those who you have come in contact with.
  93. Appear on a panel at a professional meeting.
  94. Create interesting articles, flyers, or activities for your target market.
  95. Join an arts organization that supports your direction.
  96. Remember that contacts can be found anywhere.
  97. Develop a speech to give.
  98. Create an online webinar.
  99. PUBLICITY: Look at Haro on a regular basis to see if you fit any of the needs.
  100. Look into getting featured in a magazine, newspaper on your platform.
  101. Is there a way I can partner with someone else, or a business to further my marketing?
  102. Be nice and think of someone else. Keep their needs in mind when promoting and you will find it comes back to you!

If you would like to know more about these concepts or about marketing for your business, arts or ministry, please visit the Marketing in the Arts Forum If you would like Ms. Mongeon to come to your group  or conference to present the material in the marketing in the Arts workshop please fee free to contact her directly.


Bridgette Mongeon-Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at https://creativesculpture.com.

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
Follow the artists on twitter twitter.com/Sculptorwriter twitter.com/creategodsword
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/bridgette.mongeon
Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a listing of all podcasts
Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

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