Hey, If They Can Do It Maybe I Can

Do you had dreams of writing or illustrating children’s books or young adult novels? I certainly must recommend the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). SCBWI is a huge organization, and you are bound to find a chapter in your area. Join the chapter and you are joining the national organization. How cool is that? But you don’t need to join to attend their local meetings. What are the benefits of joining?

Meet people who are struggling and have insecurities-just like you.

  • Meet people who made it after struggling and share in their excitement. You will be saying, “Hey, if they can do it maybe I can.”
  • Learn about your craft.
  • Cull from vast amount of resources and information that is always part of a professional group.
  • Get inspired.
  • Stay inspired.

Get connected- Join a group!

The Society for Children Book Writers and Illustrators National website.
Find a chapter near you
My Houston Texas Chapter of SCBWI

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