Speaker Seeks Additional Venues in California July 2016- 3D Technology and Fine Art.

Bridgette mongeon speaks on 3D technology at Penn State University on STEAM
Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon speaking at Penn State about fine art and digital technology and her new book.

Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon has been on a curious adventure.  She has a new book about 3D Technology in Fine art.  The book has been a number one new release on Amazon. She also has and a new commission of a monumental Sculpture of the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party where she is using many of the processes she writes about in her book.

She is coming to California for a book signing at  SIGGRAPH, a computer graphics conference and is seeking a few other venues to share her fascinating topic and book titled “3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning Sculpting, and Milling.”
Ms. Mongeon’s introduces attendees to the wonders of technology in fine art:

* 3D Scanning for digital preservation of art.

* See the work of some of the 80 different artists around the world that Mongeon shares in her book, and hear about their processes.

* Learn about advances in digital technology as it pertains to such things as medicine, engineering, and art.

* Watch how Mongeon creates the monumental scene of the Mad Hatter tea party using 3D scanning, sculpting, milling, and 3D . Learn about some of the inventive ways she is hiding 150 messages in the scene.
This lecture is perfect for

* Fine artists interested in learning more about digital processes

* Makers using 3D printing, scanning and milling

* Educators wanting to know more about STEAM education- using Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.
Mongeon will be at SIGGRAPH in the Anaheim California area July 24 and 27. She is seeking speaking/ book signing opportunities for the week of the 24th while in the area.

3D cnc milled foam with clay on top with Texas artist Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon works on the March Hare, part of a monumental sculpture receiving worldwide attention.


If you are interested, please contact the artist through her website.
Recent Speaking Engagements

National Sculpture Society
3D Printing World Expo
Penn State
Young Women in Math and Science
Recent World Wide press on Mongeon’s work
*Bridgette has been listed as on of the 25 influential women in 3D printing.

*She receives national attention for her work with 3D and fine art.

*Her recent work of the Mad Hatter Tea Party continues to gain momentum and attention.

Houston PBS created a segment about the Bridgette Mongeon as artist.

*  Street Stories CW 39 came in and did a segment on the Mad Hatter Project.

* KHOU Houston gave Alice her debut.   Several segments aired live and then later on in the day.

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