Eve, Hope, Sacrifice, Perseverance and Tenacity


It was not long ago that my sculpture of Eve was installed at Generation Park. We never had a dedication because of the the pandemic. Then, my client sent this email that came from the CEO of Apache Industries, who apparently is housed in the building where Eve resides.  It lightened my heart. There are so many stories behind this sculpture. Many are miraculous to me. One day I hope to share.

Hello All,

 As we approach the Holiday weekend I cannot help but feel that regardless of creed, race or religion the celebrations of Easter, Passover, Ramadan etc… seem to take on a more elevated meaning in this moment.  The Christian faith practices Lent, which importantly involves some form of personal sacrifice, self-denial and penance for the 6 weeks leading up to celebration of resurrection on Easter Sunday.  In the Jewish faith Passover and the Seder celebrates the holy spirit “passing over” the marked doorposts of those who would otherwise be inflicted by the last of the 10 plagues preceding the Israelites escape from slavery.   And in Islam, Ramadan (albeit a couple weeks away) is a month of fasting aimed at cleansing the soul and encouraging self-discipline, empathy for others less fortunate, generosity and compassion.

 How fortuitous is it that we all find ourselves battling a pandemic (plague), while at the same time, we find ourselves making great personal sacrifice of the comforts, freedoms or indulgences that are typically available to all of us, and it is our reliance on our collective self-discipline and humanity to find a pathway to salvation?  In this moment, when we all learn to do without in the face of adversity, I can’t help but feel re-centered on the things that matter most—my family, my friends and my colleagues.

 Each day at the office, I look out the window onto Redemption Square (also a biblical reference).  Installed in the middle of the square is a 15-foot tall statue of Eve.  The curator told me that the statue is an image of Eve, later in life, head tilted towards the sky, arm and open hand raised high, reaching for the Heavens in search of redemption from God.  To me, the image is an extraordinary symbol of perseverance, tenacity and hope.   

 However, every time I look at Eve, I also cannot help but visualize the statue taking motion and watching that outstretched open hand turn powerfully into raised, clenched fist—the universal representation of the underdog’s ascension, the warrior’s triumph or the champion’s demonstration of victory.

 So on this holiday weekend let us all share in a moment of prayer or reflection with our families and our loved ones.  Let us not take for granted the people in our lives that matter most.

And, also, let us all mark this weekend…let it be the inflection point…where our collective sacrifice, perseverance and tenacity starts to turn open hand into clenched fist.

 I am always grateful for all of the Apache family!

We will triumph!
We are Apache!

Happy Easter!


 Michael J. Knigin
Chief Executive Officer
Apache Industrial services. 

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