3D Printing In Metal- Large Scale

This is why I am wiring the book 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft. Companies- take note. Collaborate  with artists and watch what they can do.  I think it will make it worth your while.  I love the quote in this article-

“Because he’s an artist, he’s pushing the envelope further than an industry would,” says Autodesk director Maurice Conti, who first grew interested in Laarman’s work a few year’s back when the designer was using a large scale resin printer. “An artist just has a creative vision and they kind of ignore what the tools are supposed to be able to do and they realize their creative vision.”


Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at https://creativesculpture.com.

She is the vice chair of the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012 and 2013 http://www.3dcamphouston.com

Follow the artists on twitter twitter.com/Sculptorwriter

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