3DCAMP- Houston-Get Ready

I did not speak at the 2009 3d camp, instead I presented in the common area. Here I am talking about the Next Engine Digital Scanner

I have been working with a few very interesting people on reviving the 3DCAMP-Houston that took place in 2009. It is exciting to be on this committee and to see something grow and come to fruition.

3D CAMP is a day long seminar that will take place September 29th, 2012 in Houston, Texas.

Many different speakers will be present as well as vendors and others. Now we are not just talking gaming and 3D as it pertains to film. Now 3d is reaching wider than that, and personally, I’m very excited to see a fine art component added to this years 3D CAMP

What else is new about this 3D CAMP? Well this time it is going to be taking place in The Arts District of Houston. This is a series of warehouses just south of I-10 off of Sawyer. If you know of artist David Adickess it is where his old studio used to be, and yes, his large heads of presidents will be there for viewing. Transportation will be provided between speaker venues. One venue will have an exhibition hall where vendors and artists can work and show their process and wares. In this same exhibition hall will be a blow out art show featuring many different aspects of 3D art. The art show will be the night before the event.  Think show, party, excitement! 

I will be speaking and here is a description of my two topics.

3d Art – Fabric to Frankenstein

3d technology, science and art are combined to create some incredible and sometimes bazaar artwork. Sculptor, Bridgette Mongeon shares the work of different artists, and the vendors and universities who are making some interesting discoveries. Many artists are embracing the new technology, having fun and creating some incredible and sometimes gruesome artwork.

Bridging the gab between the traditional and digital sculpture studio

Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon shares her work flow and resources of incorporating both digital and traditional technology in what is referred to as tra-digi art that she creates in her Houston, Texas studio. The new technology expands the creative process and expedites her work flow.

A Great Committee!

There are some really prime people on the committee. I don’t have everyone’s bios but besides myself there is executive director of SpaceTaker– Jenni Rebecca stephenson. What is spacetaker? Here is what is on their mission statement “Spacetaker is a 501(c)3 professional organization and Artist Resource Center located in Houston’s First Ward whose mission is to provide artists and non-profits access to economic development, continuing education, and networking opportunities to support their professional growth.”

Lori Betz from Betz Art Gallery and Betz Art Foundry Betz Gallery is in charge of the art show and the call for artists.

David Morris is the founder of 3D CAMP- I can’t believe he did this on his own in 2009.

There are of course some others listed on the planning committee but I have not met them face to face yet.


If you are interested in

* The art show

* Sponsoring this event

* Being in the exhibition hall

* Speaking

Please fill out the contact form on the website.

If you want to be kept abreast of what is happening, check out the 3DCAMP website and while there, fill out the newsletter form so we can send you regular updates on our progress with 3DCAMP Houston.


Bridgette Mongeon-Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at https://creativesculpture.com.

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series

Follow the artists on twitter twitter.com/Sculptorwriter twitter.com/creategodsword

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/bridgette.mongeon

Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation PodcastClick on Podcast Host Bios for a list of all podcasts.

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