A Contest In 3D Printing? Your Work Printed-Thoughts

From “Digital Sculpting in Mudbox: Essential
Tools and Techniques for Artists- Chapter 7
on scanning printing and milling”. Artwork by Bridgette Mongeon

I have been working diligently on 3DCAMP Houston planning committee. We are still working out all of our sponsors and exhibitors and we have a couple of exhibitors/sponsors specializing in rapid prototyping.  I thought it might be a good idea to work out a contest, this would not be just for those attending 3DCAMP Houston, but for anyone.  I’m posting this to see how others feel about the contest and to find some suggestions in putting this contest together, and if this is a viable endeavor?

The contest would be open to everyone, and not just those attending 3DCAMP Houston. That way, we promote what we are doing at  3DCAMP Houston and our sponsors, while talking about the contest.  It is a win, win situation.

From “Digital Sculpting in Mudbox: Essential Tools and Techniques for Artists- Chapter 7 on scanning printing and milling”.”Indian” created in Mudbox by Steven Guervara

The thought is that individuals would send images of their 3d work ( I figure requesting jpg images from 2-3 sides would be sufficient. We would have to designate the file size.Then if they are chosen they can send us the designated file.)

Then our committee will pick from the designs and then the 3DCAMP Houston visiting sponsors could print out the design.  The winners can be displayed in our art show scheduled the day before the conference and stay up through the conference. A copy would be sent to those who have won.  ( That same print that is displayed could be sent to the individual, but I’m not sure if we would need it, perhaps we would like to display it again next year?)

From “Digital Sculpting in Mudbox: Essential Tools and
Techniques for Artists- Chapter 7 on
scanning printing and milling. “Artwork by Gil Bruvel

I’m just wondering how others would structure such an endeavor, and some of the guidelines. I’m sure that the equipment of some of our sponsors will dictate which piece is printed by which sponsor? For example a piece in color or pieces that move.  We are still finalizing our sponsorships and so I can not say what type of machines or who the sponsors are at this moment, as we will be finalizing this in the next few weeks.  Just writing to get some general information and thoughts about the idea.

About 3DCAMP Houston 2012

3DCAMP Houston is working with a not for profit organization to educate individuals in everything 3D.  The event is for 2- 3 days. beginning with an art show on Friday the 28th of September, an all day symposium with speakers on the 29th of September, and possibly workshops in different software on Sunday for those who register. There is also an exhibitors space.  Our event this year is being hosted by The University Of Houston College of Sciences and Mathematics along with the School of Art. We are incorporating STEAM an educational initiative that support Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.  For more information please see our press release on the 3DCAMP website. Therefore, perhaps we have categories of participation in the contest that represent different fields?  I’m open for suggestions.  Any thoughts out there?


The photographs in this post are from my book “Digital Sculpting with Mudbox: Essential tools and techniques for Artists” Chapter 7 Scanning, Printing, and Milling.

I am presently working on another book that extends chapter 7 of the Mudbox book and focuses on the work of artists and their process of using 3D, for artwork realized in a physical form, as well as the process and pitfalls of these tools.  It will also be a source book of resources and vendors for those interested in extending their tools set to include this type of work.


Sculptor and writer
Bridgette Mongeon

Bridgette Mongeon-Sculptor, Writer and Speaker
Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at https://creativesculpture.com.

She is deeply engrossed in the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012 http://www.3dcamphouston.com

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series

Follow the artists on twitter twitter.com/Sculptorwriter twitter.com/creategodsword

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