A Dog Bookmarks Your Life RIP- EMMY

Our beloved dog has raised a family and moves on.

Our animals grow with us, experience joy with us and even mourn with us.  Today we celebrate the life of Emmy a mutt that we found at the SPCA back in 1998.  She was a gift to our family upon our return from our wedding that year.

My daughter was 13 back then. She cried when she saw her and begged us, “I want this one,”  even though Emmy was so nervous and peed on the floor during our visit.  My son was a couple of years younger. Emmy would get so excited when I would tell her that her “boy” was coming for a visit.   Both of my children are now grown, living in their own homes and having children of their own.

It is interesting to look back on your life and see the bookmark of a family pet in so many important events.

Emmy journeyed with us as we tried to figure out how to raise teenagers. She watched our children leave, and return for visits. She never judged, she just simply loved.  It was Emmy who would walk with me and stayed right by my side when I was pregnant 12 years ago.  It was also Emmy’s behavior that warned me that something was wrong with the twins in utero.  Maybe they are playing with her now in heaven. Her connection to all of us was very deep

Emmy has bonded with human loved ones who have since passed on.  Others that watch over her are my mom, my dad, my father-in-law, Chas, our retriever and Kittiana our family cat.

Our lives are still changing. Emmy seemed to embrace and tolerate the hugs of a toddler a new granddaughter, even though Emmy suffered greatly from pain of arthritis and rarely liked to be touched.  She seemed to know the importance of this new family member. Emmy understood her role  in nurture the pretend babies as the grandchild laid them on Emmy’s bed.

The house feels empty, my journey to and from the studio a little less exciting.  But my heart is thankful for the companionship and for the nurturing love of a spirit covered in fur.

Rest in peace, my friend, and thank you. You will be missed.

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