A Photo Opportunity

If the baby continues to cry sacrifices must be made!

For those of you who may not know. My daughter Christina Sizemore is my photographer. However, as past posts have shown, she has just had a baby. I am so thrilled that she had the initiative and forethought to set up a time, before we took the sculpture apart, to take photographs of me with the sculpture. The warehouse was hot and her newborn baby was with a friend in another part of the warehouse crying her little eyes out. But we got the shot. Thanks Christina and Diliberto Photo and Design. If your interested in reading her blog post on the event you can find it on her blog.

What a great picture.  Thanks Christina. 
I know it has only been a week ago since the
tiger was up here, but we have worked
so hard it feels like much longer.
If you look closely you will see me holding my granddaughter on the rock. 

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