A Sculpture of Neil Armstrong For Russia

The digital sculpture design of Neil Armstrong

I have been working diligently on this project.

Recently a sculpture of Yuri Gagarin was donated by individals in Russia and placed here in Houston Texas. I was chosen by Sophya Tabarovski of Kindness Without Limits to now create a sculpture of Neil Armstrong that will be sent to Russia.  A space has already been dedicated on Russian soil, and is ready to receive this sculpture.  I hope to begin the physical sculpture of the project very soon.  I have already been working on the digital design in the computer.

There was someone in Russia who wanted to buy the sculpture to be placed, but both Sophya and I felt that since Russia gave us a sculpture of Yuri Gagarin, America should give this gift of Neil Armstrong to Russia.  And so, I joining forces with Sophya to target individuals who are interested in making a tax deductible donation to this project.

We have developed a project website called United in Space which lists all of the details and will hold the documentaiton of this project.

There are several donation levels that can be found on the website. I am going to list them below, but please also look at the United in Space website for more details.  We have also put video and information about the Gagarin Sculpture on the blog on the United in Space website.

NOTE:  If you should know of anyone who might like to cover this story, or if you should know of a business that has a vested interest in relationships between these two countries, we would greatly appreciate you passing this information on to them or drop us a line and let us know.

Donation Levels

Lunar Module- $25,000
Your companies name will be engraved in the sculpture by the artist as part of the art. It will forever reside below the artists name. Your name will be on the accompanying plaque as a donor, and mentioned on our website. You will receive a special gift from the United in Space committee. Only three of these are available.

Command Module- $10,000
Your name will be on the accompanying plaque as a donor to the project, and mentioned on our website. You will receive a special gift from the United in Space committee.

Service Module- $5,000
Your name will be on the accompanying plaque as donor and mentioned on our website.

Under $5,000
Your name will be mentioned on our website.

How To Donate

By Mail
Tax deductible checks can be made out and mailed to
Kindness Without Limits
Please indicate-Neil Armstrong Sculpture in the memo of your check
P.O. Box 320564
Houston, Texas 77282-0564

Read more on the process blog for this project found at http://unitedinspace.com/

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