A Wonderful Blessing A Great Story

Religious awards

I have finally finished the God’s Word new website, complete with shopping cart. It has been a massive undertaking. I hope it works, as no orders have been placed as of yet,

and then I got this phone call…

Before I tell you about the call I must say that The God’s Word gift series holds a special place in my life. I wanted the sculptures to be blessed, both in the giving and the receiving. I prayed over the years that people would see them and not only like them but because they come with a card and letter they would see the ministry behind them.

The phone call…
A woman called today telling me that she had seen the Samaritan Award ( shown above) that I had done for the Samaritan Center. This is an award that I designed for them years ago and they give away each year. She wanted to know if she could buy one.

I told her that I could not do so without the permission of the Samaritan Center. I have only done that once before, for Sylvan Rodriguez who requested one and received permission. Sylvan was a wonderful man and news anchor here in Houston. He passed away of pancreatic cancer just shortly after receiving the sculpture.

The woman asked if I had any other sculptures with a spiritual meaning and the feeling of the Samaritan. I directed her to The God’s Word gift series and the two of us browsed through the cards and letters of each piece. She told me a story about how her husband’s brother had been on the streets for years and no matter what the tried they could not help him. Another family befriended him and took him in. He lived with them for 14 years. This past week the consequences of street life caught up with him and his body, worn, shut down. He was 49 when he died. They were looking for the “perfect” gift to give the family. I was so blessed that they felt this type of ministry in my artwork. when she say the God’s Word Sculpture “the bad I do” she new that it was perfect! I don’t have a video on this piece yet, but you can read the message behind it on the God’s Word website

This is what I prayed for. That people would utilize this series for a ministry to others. That it would bless in the giving and the receiving.

One more thing…
turns out Sylvan had purchased that Samaritan sculpture for this woman’s husband. Knowing this I can only imagine the type of person her husband is, he must be a warm and wonderful man. They didn’t know the trouble Sylvan had gone through to get the piece. It is one of their cherished possessions.

The entire story gave me confidence to keep pushing with the God’s Word series. I have worked 3 months so far on the back end of that new endeavor. The call gave me a little more incentive.

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