A Wonderful Project For 2012- Finding Evelyn Rubenstein

I am very pleased to announce that I have been asked to create a life-size sculpture of a very influential woman of Houston. The Jewish Community Center has been renamed as the Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center. It is my job to capture not just the likeness of this woman, but the spirit and essence of someone I have never known. I’m up for the challenge, but unlike many of my other posthumous sculptures, it is difficult to find information on Evelyn. I count on family and friends to assist me with this process. For me posthumous sculpture is a cocreation between myself and those who know and love my subject. It is their stories that assist me with that etherial part of posthumous portrait sculpting. So if you knew Evelyn, please share your stories. You can do so through comments or by contacting me directly

The life-size sculpture will greet individuals as they enter and leave the ERJCC.

Here is an article in the Jewish Herald Voice describing the entire new renaming.

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