Celebrating Space Flight-

Digital sketch of the proposed Neil Armstrong sculpture for Russia.

Happy International Day of Human Space Flight- April 12

Some of you may know that I am all about space. I’m especially about space when it concerns this sculpture that has been under negotiation for a while. I have been asked to create a sculpture of Neil Armstrong to go to Russia.  It is on hold until all of the money is raised, but land awaits for the sculpture.

So when I hear that this is International Day of Human Space Flight- I get excited and hope that this sculpture project will one day come to fruition.

I’m happy to hear that the General UN Assembly, in its resolution of April 7, 2011 declared 12 April as the International Day of Human Space Flight
Today- April 10, 2015 there is an event
International Day of Human Space Flight in Houston
Honoring cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin and astronaut John Glenn
Where they will be honoring the first Space explorers to orbit the Earth and all of those
who have been going to space for 54 years.
2999 South Wayside Drive
Houston, Texas, 77023
You are cordially invited!
11:00 AM Reception and Refreshments
11:30 AM Honoring Ceremony
Mayor’s office of Houston, Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Houston,
astronauts, cosmonauts, Russian-American organizations in Houston

For more information about today’s event contact:
Kindness without Limits: Phone: 281-370-1464; Email: ruhouse2010@aol.com
For more information about the Neil Armstrong fundraising and project:
Check out the United In Space website. 

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at https://creativesculpture.com.

Follow the artists on twitter twitter.com/Sculptorwriter

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My Tribute To An American Hero-Neil Armstrong

One small step for man

One giant leap for mankind

In light of hearing of the death of American Astronaut Neil Armstrong, I am sharing a project that has been under the radar for a few months now.

The tentative sculpture design will have
Neil Armstrong in a flight suite,
but his foot prints will be that of those  
left by his boots on the moon.

Recently, individuals from Russia donated a sculpture of the cosmonaut  Yuri Gagarin and a monument of John Glenn to America. It will be residing in Houston, Texas.  The unveiling is expected in October, 2012.

I was very honored to be selected to create a sculpture of Neil Armstrong that will reside on Russian soil.   This space camaraderie is a far cry from the 60’s space race and cold war. The two countries are now becoming united in space and through art.  A benefactor from Russia wanted to pay for this sculpture to be created and placed on Russian soil, however, I felt that it should be a true gift from America and now I  am working with individuals associated with the project to raise the funds in America to create,  and ship a sculpture of Neil Armstrong to Russia.  I’m donating a portion of my sculpting fees to get the ball rolling and will have more information on ways to donate to the project. I feel very privileged to be a part of this endeavor.

Let’s all remember where we came from, the achievements that we have all made, and the unity we have towards the future of all mankind.


Sculptor and writer
Bridgette Mongeon

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at https://creativesculpture.com.

She is the vice Chair of the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012 http://www.3dcamphouston.com

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series

Follow the artists on twitter twitter.com/Sculptorwriter twitter.com/creategodsword

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