Come On Facebook- Get It Together —”We Couldn’t Find a Feed Using The URL You Provide”

Perhaps you are also frustrated trying to get your blog feed to go to your personal or fans page.  Are you continuing to get the response that I am?  “We couldn’t find a feed using the URL you provide”

Well I had that problem with this blog feeding into my personal page and found a suggestion on the internet that helped.  It said to go to your Word Press blog and reduce the amount of entries that the RSS feed will send.  Reduce it to one if you have to.  I only had to reduce mine to 3 and then Facebook started to import this blog.  If this works for you…. KEEP AN EYE ON THINGS.  I have heard it can drop you just as quickly.  I would like to say that this work around has worked for the God’s Word Collectibles page on Facebook. This is an important page in that all of our podcasts are sent there.  However, I have to resort to posting each podcast on the site as Facebook is not letting me use this work around.

One other suggestion in trying this work around is to not just keep trying it, instead

How to try and import your blog settings.

Go to notes

Click on notes to see all notes.  At the bottom of the page on the right hand side you will see something that says “Edit import settings.”

After setting your import setting to be 3 on your Word Press blog RSS feed then put your feed in this  Web URL.  Word Press users can get their feed by clicking on the feed button. Usually it is the name of your blog/feed.  To be sure the feed really does work. Put the url in a browser window and see if your feed comes up.  Don’t forget to click the little button that says you represent and have the rights to publish this blog.

Then press start importing.

If you get the error mentioned Try clicking on the button “Back to ” that send you back to your Facebook home page and then start again.  Say a little prayer, cross your fingers etc.  It may or may not work. I also mention this along with the links to send complaints in a post on my forum.  Feel free to post your suggestions here or on the forum. This is very frustrating for many people.

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