Dick and The Christmas Party
This past weekend we had a Christmas party at my art studio. It is called the upside down Christmas party because we hang the tree upside down from the ceiling. The guests that come can decorate our tree from a found object, or anything that is on their person or in their car. It is fun to see what others come up with. I have posted some of the party pictures at my other blog. https://creativesculpture.com/blog . It is a creative event. Everyone enjoyed the tree and the sculptures.
The Jeanine and Lucas sculptures came home from the foundry for the show. Soon they will be with their parents. The holidays are always difficult for those who have lost a loved one. It is a time of continuous prayer for me. I feel compelled to lift up each one. Jeanine and Lucas will soon be home with their families.

It was fun to see people interact with Dick.

I thought I would share with you some of the adventures. There were a lot of people in attendance. We had several guests of honor. Lucas was running around with all of the adventures. Trying to charm everyone he met. He did a great job.
Jeanine has a smile that softened everyone. I was thrilled when Ellie’s parents commented on the peace that I captured with Jeanine. From anyone else I don’t think it would have mattered as much. But Ellie’s Parents have experienced the same loss.
Dick Hathaway sat near the upside down Christmas tree and lectured away. I envisioned him talking about the history of the event. We covered the bench next to him. It was fun to see people interact with him. I am not sure their conversation but they all seemed to be having a good time.