Entertaining Oxford At The CS Lewis Conference

Apparently at the end of the first evening at the writers conference there is something called Bag End Cafe.  Basically this is an open mic event.  Just prior to this event a gentelman arrived looking rather haggled walking with a cane. He had traveled from Oxford.  I was intrigued with his look and it made me want to hold him still and sculpt him.  His name is Malcome Guite and he read this poem.

by Malcolm Guite

My poetry is jamming your machine

It broke the photo-copier, I’m to blame,

With pictures copied from a world unseen.

My poem is in the works–I’m on the scene

We free my verse, and I confess my shame,

My poetry is jamming your machine.

Though you berate me with what might have been,

You stop to read the poem, just the same,

And pictures, copied from a world unseen,

Subvert the icons on your mental screen

And open windows with a whispered name;

My poetry is jamming your machine.

For chosen words can change the things they mean

And set the once-familiar world aflame

With pictures copied from a world unseen

The mental props give way, on which you lean

They world you see will never be the same,

My poetry is jamming your machine

With pictures copied from a world unseen

I love it.

Yes, I got up and read “God’s Will and God’s Way.”

Not many people read, but still it was fun.  Someone read from a recent blog post about being at the CS Lewis event and finding roaches in her room.  She is from Missouri.  We have big bugs in Texas and when you are in the middle of the woods.  Well , it happens.  I hope no one tells her they fly.  Yes, some of our roaches fly. Just the really big ones.  And I don’t know why, but they fly right at you.  It was a rather humorous and touching story of her enduring this for her creative journey.  It was a good night.  I’m wondering if I’ll be up for breakfast or even earlier for prayer. Many great speakers for the Friday schedule.

I’m headed off to bed, thought I must say walking past the fire pits left me with longing. I so want to have a fire.  And there was all of that wood just sitting next to the pit.  DARN YOU BURN BAN!  I am thankful I am an Episcopalian and that at Camp Allen they allow wine.  The merlot was a wonderful surprise to my evening. Even if it is in a coffee cup.


Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at https://creativesculpture.com.

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
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