Everything 3D- An All day Houston Symposium For Just $15

  • 3DCAMP is for everything and everyone interested in all things 3D
  • There are 15 speakers
  • Many vendors who are bringing new and advancing technology will be displaying things in the lobby and talking to attendees
  • The entire day including the speakers, breakfast, lunch and the art show cost only $15 for attendees.
  • It is hosted by the University of Houston Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and The School of Art, and is open to the public.
  • We have a ton of door prizes that have been donated by such companies as Pixologic and Smith Micro as well as many, many others.

It is amazing how far the term 3D goes.  It is used in many different disciplines- All you have to do is look at the speaker list. We have those working in the arts, in gaming, in oil and gas, entertainment and much, much more.

Some interesting points about the talk of 3D at 3DCAMP

  • Did you know that 3D technology is exploring and making advances in something called regenerative medicine?  What is that?  Need a kidney? This technology is working toward being able to print one for you, out of your own bio mass.  They are already doing this with bone and skin.
  • Did you know that the government is seeing the advancements and need for 3D and they are offering funding to encourage the education of it in the school systems?
  • Did you know you can make a 3d image of yourself just using your cell phone and at no additional cost to you?
  • Did you know that machines like a replicator on Star Trek, are very similar to the advancements that are being made in 3D technology?

If you want to learn more, hear more, and be a part of these incredible advancements, come check out 3DCAMP Houston 2012.

If you would like to find out more for the event or to register check out the website http://www.3dcamphouston.com or meet us on twitter or facebook.

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