Giving A Hand To Someone In 3D Printing

I’m presently at 3D printing World Expo in Burbank California. I am speaking here on 3D technology and art. Speaking on day two of a conferences give you a chance to check out what others are doing and meet individuals. I have enjoyed doing just that.  While here to speak I visited the key note presentation and was very impressed with Mick Ebling. Mick is from a company called Not Impossible. Mick went to Sudan and created what “is probably the world’s first 3D-printing prosthetic lab and training facility. More to the point of the journey is that Mick managed to give hope and independence back to a kid who, at age 14, had both his arms blown off and considered his life not worth living.” The video tells the story.

On the panel was also Mark Setrakian, who brought out a very impressive 3D printed mechanical hand/arm from what looked like the movie Hell boy. When he was done Mick asked Mark if he could make the model open source. Of Course Mark said he could not because it belonged to the movie industry, and Mick said one of the best lines of this conference. I will do my best to quote him “Depending on your religious beliefs, You can’t use IP about the functionality of a hand” It should be open source and available to everyone.

I am thrilled to help share the technology of 3D printing with as many people as I know. I am honored to be in the presence of those who take this technology and use it for the good of people. Mick, let me give you a hand, a standing ovation and a prayer that you continue in your good work.


Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at

She is the vice chair of the planning committee for 3DCAMP Houston 2012 and 2013

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