Glad You Could Join Us. Some Pictures From Class

My artwork is pushed aside, and piled so others can be creative in the space.
Love the feeling of having students fall in love with the clay.

Though my schedule over the last years has not permitted me to have classes in the studio I have decided to squeeze some in. This is a portrait sculpture class, two all day Saturday classes. A bit intense, but also incredibly rewarding.

Students get to know their subject!
I document my own process.

It is interesting to see so many working people in my own studio.  It is a private place only becoming lively during one of our parties, where everyone seems to congregate.  The best part about doing classes is meeting so may incredible artistic people.  There are some beginners in clay and others who are not.  It is a challenge as a teacher but I want everyone to feel comfortable with their creative place.  Some are very realistic and others become stylized. Those are the hardest students. I can help them make their work more realistic, but I hesitate in touching it. I like their style.

The subject for this class is a newborn baby. It offers some challenges, but the best part about it is that it is inspiring for the teacher! I must say it feels strange to be working on a portrait without a client in mind. Though I have told the parents that I will give them either the original or a copy of their wonderful inspiration. So in some ways they are my client.

The class starts early on a Saturday with students arriving at 9:00 a.m.. We take a short break for lunch, no one wants to pull away from the sculpture, but I like the sharing time and it is good to walk away from a sculpture from time to time. we all hang out on the porch, which does not feel so bad in the heat with the pond nearby and the shade of my trees.

Taking a break on the studio porch. Eating lunch and visiting.

Class is two long Saturdays, but very fulfilling. If you missed signing up for this class, don’t worry. I’m doing another in August- two Saturdays beginning August 6th. I wish I could find more time to do this on a regular basis.

A work in progress, but she is coming along
Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series

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