Goodbye 1048, Thanks For The Memories

It was an exciting but sad day. There have been so many memories and creations at 1048. My daughter grew up watching her mom create and my artwork grew as well. But the new studio is so nice and offers so many opportunities.

Today I went to get the last of my sculpture. To my surprise the studio was broken into and several pieces were stolen. In 16 years the studio has never been broken into. At least I think they were stolen. I would hate to think that anyone I know would go in there and take things without asking me. Maybe they thought I was done. Most of the sculptures that were stolen were nudes; one was an unfired nude, something that would break before it could be handed off over the locked gate. What a sad note to leave on.

My kiln was untouched and still there! I am thankful, it would have been expensive to replace. I loaded the van for the last time and I said goodbye.

My daughter asked if I retrieved the house number 1048. I said, “no” and she told me she planned on going back for it. I have this strange feeling that I have left something important behind. Chris agreed. After taking down the 1048 she too said her goodbyes. I think it is sad for both of us, but we know good things are ahead.

Thank you 1048.

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