Happy New Year

The studio has been quiet over the holidays as we spent time with family and friends. We had a Posada at the studio inviting friends and neighbors. A posada is a Mexican tradition of going to a different house each night for 7 nights. two people are dressed as Mary and Joseph and ask for lodging, which is done through singing. Several people stood outside the studio door and sang while others were inside signing back. In the end we all eat. It was a cold night.

The posada went well, and part of me wishes we would have also had an upside down Christmas Party as we have in the past. Maybe next year.

There are great adventures planned with the God’s Word Collectible series as well. And I am really looking forward to our Inspirations/Generations podcasts. A new one is up on New Years Resolutions. May you all have a wonderful and creative New Year.

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