Have You Ever Placed a Ton of Rock?

I began my pond about 9 years ago. It started with an upper pond then the 14 foot stream and the lower pond. The edge of the lower pond has never been completed. I am not sure why. Probably because I have changed my mind so many times about what it should look like. When people would walk by the pond, on the way to the studio I would say, “My work in progress.” I kind of feel like this back yard is a living sculpture, a never ending piece of work and a very magical place. By the end of the week I expect the lower pond to be done. What will I do with my self? How will I ever adjust to the fact that I don’t have to “finish” the pond?

My hands ache, my back aches, and I still have about a 1/2 a ton of rock to place. Wish us luck.

Oh yes, and Tilly the turtle, along with little guy have moved up to the upper pond. They really did not like all of the noise and disturbance at the lower pond. But boy won’t they be surprised when it is done. The design is one that is very turtle friendly, with special treats for them both. For one of those treats I have to get into the lower pond. That should be interesting. I’ll update more, must find Advil.

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