I Have Been Working On a Portrait of Mom

A portrait of my mom. Work in progress. Created in Mudbox

Many of you who read my blog https://creativesculpture.com/blog know that I have been transitioning from just traditional sculpture to digital.  This is a portrait that I have been working on of my mother. It is created in Mudbox and still has a long way to go.  But I thought I would post it.  Mom passed away last August and so it was, at first, difficult to work on. I am, however, now very excited that I have started on it. I’m  also glad I took the time, on one of my last visits, to gather lots of reference material. The new Mudbox has this cool feature called turntable.  Even though mom is far from being done I though I would add it here.

portrait sculpture by Bridgette Mongeon
A screen shot when I began this project.

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