I Know It Looks Like I Fell Of The Face Of The Earth

Yes, the posts in my blog have been scarce. I am still here, and have not fallen off the face of the earth. I’m just focusing on getting my chapters into the publisher. That is taking all of my focus and concentration.

Of course I have had other distractions as well.

* Bidding on new sculpting jobs in the studio
* Taking care of jobs in house, or at the foundry
* Visiting with my daughter and new son-in- law, when they came into town
* Taking care of elderly relatives- it seems like that is my other job. Yes, I am at that stage in my life.
* Working on my house, or portions of it that seem to be crying for my attention, and just won’t wait anymore.

But mostly it has been the book. Hopefully this chapter will be out this next week and I’ll be able to see straight. Of course it will be on to the next chapter.

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