I love Lucy and Have Offered to Recreate the Sculpture For Jamestown New York

This post arrived last night on my personal Facebook page

Late last night a friend posted something on my personal Facebook page  about the ” I love Lucy” sculpture in Jamestown New York. Many are upset over this.  I guess they thought I could help. Being from Western New York and loving Lucy I immediately began commenting on this thread and went to the Facebook page started about this sculpture.  I have offered to recreate the sculpture, if the town of Jamestown is interested. I will donate a portion of my fees. I will create a blog about the sculpture so that others can weigh in and see the progress as I have done for so many of my sculptures – The Texas Press Newsboy, The Dick Hathaway Sculpture,  Called to Pray- Dallas Baptist UniversityThe Prairie View A & M sculpture and the Grambling Tiger.  Of course, many know that I am presently working on my Magnum Opus. I am creating  the Monumental sculpture of Alice in Wonderlands Tea Party in honor of Lewis Carroll’s 150th anniversary . I will be tied up with that for about six months, but I can begin on the Lucy project by the end of the year.  I will even help to raise the funds for the sculpture.

Please feel free to pass on this post  or post it to any place that is commenting on this sculpture.  This will help me to help the town of Jamestown. If anyone is interested they can contact me through my contact page on my website. 

As a writer as well as a sculptor I love documenting my process of creating on project blogs.

Some thoughts about the existing Lucy sculpture

—Every time I do a sculpture I have my client sign off on the clay before it goes to the foundry.  If a client has suggestions I will work on the sculpture until they are satisfied. I can’t imagine the artist went to metal without an approval.

—I do not fix other artists work. I have things in my contract that say people can’t change my artwork without my knowing and giving approval. I would never ever touch another person’s artwork. Plus, I would love to have my own interpretation of Lucy.

— Some have suggested melting down the original sculpture. I would not suggest this or do it. If the town is not satisfied they should give the sculpture back to the artist, and just create a new one. They could actually suffer repercussions if the town melted down the bronze. It is still a work of art from a man. I feel it is better to just recreate the Lucy sculpture.

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