Introduction To- Creative Angst

Creative angst comes in all forms.

Throughout my career as an artist, writer and speaker people have come to me and said, “I need a change. I have stifled my creative self too long.” Maybe they made a decision to go corporate years ago instead of doing what they love, writing, sculpting, painting, dancing, music (fill in the blank.) Now they feel it is time to change, to feed that creative side, but they ask, how do I make this change, what do I do? How do I become more creative? How do I change my life? I had always thought and hoped I would be creative, but it is slipping away.

Perhaps they made a decision years ago that they would make a good living and there would be no financial worries. They were convinced that they could do their creative projects on the side, but somehow they got lost, and now they feel… stuck.

How do I begin? How do I get out of this rut?

Perhaps something drastic has happened, a family death, an illness or God forbid a natural disaster. They say,

“My life must change, it is too short. I have lost time. HELP!”

Well here is the thing. You have just made that change by reading this blog. You have asked the question, “how do I begin.” You have allowed your stifled creative self to have a voice. You are listening to the hunger pains of your soul. You are changing!

I hear the chatter,

Where do I start?

There is so much I can do to be creative;, there is so much I want to do.  It is so easy to get lost in this thread of creativity.

Don’t I need some direction?

Without knowing what direction to go, again I feel stuck.

Can I make money with my creativity?

Can I make money doing what I want to do?

How do I change my life to fit this process?

And there are others who may need some guidance some hand holding. They think, “If I had someone to be accountable to, some place I could go to get help or encouragement. Someone to give me a step by step procedure.” I could do this. Now hand holding is not for everyone, but it is the best way for some.

Over the years, so many people have come to me and asked one or more of these questions, Let’s go, here is my hand, Here are the steps.  I will blog regularly about this subject. The title along with the  sub title Creative Angst will designate this thread of posts in the blog.  Just follow along, or if you are coming in the middle of this writing then do a search on the blog to see all of the previous posts.

Do you need a little hand holding, somewhere to be accountable? There are two suggestions

1. Comment on the blog posts,

2 post on the forum. By joining the forum, you may meet other people that will be trying to do just what you are trying to do and you can encourage each other. (As of June 2002, whenever you take any of my free marketing workshops you will be invited to the Marketing in the Arts and Small Business Facebook Group. How do you find out about the workshops? Follow me on Facebook, or Instagram. I’m always posting about them. During Covid we made them available. Hopefully we can still do that.

How will I know when there are more posts?  There are several ways-


Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series

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Listen to The Creative Christian Podcast or the Inspiration/Generation Podcast Click on Podcast Host Bios for a list of all podcasts.

Listen to the Art and Technology Podcast

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