LinkedIn For Those In The Arts?


I asked a friend who is beginning a new career if she was on LinkedIn. She is working hard at a masters degree, and she would like to become a science writer. She told me she did have an account but did not know what to do with the account. I thought I would try to write a bit about LinkedIn and how to use it.

We are probably all familiar with social networks, especially ones like Facebook. People find you on Facebook, “friend” you and you get to have connections to long lost friends, old classmates, relatives you have not seen since you were two or whatever. Linked in is a social network but there is a difference. Facebook is a big open party and LinkedIn is like going to a networking social for your business. You would act differently in each setting; therefore, your profile should be different, as well. Consider LinkedIn as a way to present yourself as a professional.

NOTE: LinkedIn, in some ways, is not like Facebook. I will friend just about anyone on Facebook, but I covet my LinkedIn contact. I only link to those I know or those I really want to know and that I feel I have something to offer. Remember, those who you link to have access to all of your connections. Think of it this way, you are at a cocktail party with all of your LinkedIn friends. Would you recommend them to your best connections?

Many of the sites below will tell you how to get connected with others on LinkedIn. It may start as simply as connecting to those who are in your field or that you know through your work in that field. Don’t forget those who you have worked for. If you are a student then do try to connect with your advisors or with the places where you intern.

If you are trying to learn how to use LinkedIn  LinkedIn has a New Users Start up Guide
There are many articles on the Internet that tell you how to use LinkedIn.

I hope this helps to get you started. Your marketing goal for this week might be to spend time pulling together your profile and a designating a few hours reading about using LinkedIn. The point about all of this social networking is getting connected.


Bridgette Mongeon-Sculptor, Writer and Speaker
Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.

Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series

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