Making “Magic” Happen
For those watching this process of creating the Alice in Wonderland Sculpture, who are not sculptors or artists, please let me share a bit of information. An artist knows their craft. They may have the basics down, for example, this is how I put clay on an armature, this is how I sculpt an arm, this is the proportions of a human. However, one can work on a sculpture and know all of the craft but not have “magic” happen. There is a point when working on a piece of art when the art becomes friendly and alive- this is the magic. One does not have to finish the sculpture for this to happen; there is just a point if you are luck, where you just feel like one. Please note this magic does not always happen. It is that “magic” part of the creative process for which we strive. This week the Mad Hatter and I made magic happen.
Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer, illustrator and educator as well as a public speaker.
Her blog can be found at
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