Merry Christmas—And A Prayer For Those Who Are Ill


Recently I recorded a podcast about traditions. It was for Inspirations/Generations podast that I record with my mother, and daughter. It was about Christmas traditions. You can find the podcast on the God’s Word Collectible website, or if you like you can subscribe to it in

In it we talked about reading the Christmas story from the bible and reenacting the scene with the nativity figures. Well my children are grown and my daughter lives in another state, so instead I read in front of Jenna’s candle. Jenna’s candle was given to me by her mom and I was instructed to light it on special occasions.

Because a good deal of the year I am working on sculptures of loved ones who have died, I have a great compassion for my clients and others who have lost a loved one. This time of year is especially difficult. So I lit the candle for Jenna, and for all of those other children and I read the Christmas Story. I also prayed for those families who have family members who are struggling with cancer and illness. I thought about the children as I sat alone in my studio and read and prayed. May all families feel God’s comfort at this time.

Jenna’s candle is on a place that might be referred as my alter. It has special things that I like, a picture of my mom and myself, a stone elephant that I mention in my book “Bringing to Life the Spirit of the Deceased-A Sculptor’s Journey.” And a sculpture that someone created for me saying, “this sculpture represents your spirit. “

May all families feel God’s comfort at this time.

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