My Aching Back

Continuing our work on the Praying Man for Dallas Baptist University. You can find their project blog on Blogspot.

My alone time with the sculpture. 

Once again ,we move the praying man higher. This saves me from having to roll around on the studio floor.  The Christmas holiday is upon us and my interns have been very accommodating  God bless them all. I do love my alone time with the sculpture.  It is the time where we get to know each other better.  To meet this deadline I’m averaging 14 hour days.  I stagger the interns but am thankful for all of the time they give me when they could be with their families. Thanks for stopping by to visit the studio, be sure to check your shoes when you leave, you don’t want to track any of this clay home and onto your carpets. 

I can feel the passion in the piece. I hope it translates to others. 
Though the man is still, the folds create movement in the piece. 

I just keep moving around and around the sculpture until
there is nothing else to do. 

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