New Zbrush 4.0 Is Coming Out On Monday!

Free upgrade to Zbrush 4.0.  Yes, it is like Christmas.  What is new?  Looks like a lot.  Plus Mac and PC version are finally caught up. That means for this Mac User I’ll get zsketch. I can hardly wait.  Here are some videos to let you know what the new Zbrush can do. Of course it can do all of the other things that it used to do.  Here is a video preview of Lightbox. Looks like some fun stuff. I can hardly wait to play with this.

  • For those who don’t know about sketching with zspheres.
  • This video has been out a while. It is on Zbrush4 beta
  • And of course the PC users will have what the Mac users have had. GOZ
  • If you want to know the new upgrade schedule here is a link on the Pixologic site.

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