Newsboy- It Is All In The Details.

Using real suspenders and filling
filling in the undercuts.

January 10-17, 2005
Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon has documented the entire process of creating a figurine of a newsboy and a life-size bronze sculpture. Watch the artist work through these posts. In this blog, she has also included information for students and teachers. In the previous post, Now We Are Getting There, we saw a lot of progress.

If you are lost and want to go back to the chronological running list of posts, follow this link.

The newsboy and his energy is beginning to emerge.

The small newsboy came together in the last post, and we also began to see the large newsboy take shape. Now, let’s get down to some details.

I have decided to cover papers in wax to put in the newsboy’s hands. I set up a clothesline system for the papers to drip into as they cured. I still have to sculpt the headline in the papers. That will come next week. Meanwhile, I have a bundle of papers for Dusty’s left arm. I’ll clean them up later. Having them in place is important in sculpting the left arm.

With a trip to Houston Leather for brads for the shoes and another trip to The Way We Wore Vintage Clothing store, I finally have the leather suspenders that I was looking for. I have dipped them in wax and added them to the sculpture. Dipping them in wax stiffens them up for the mold.

Because I have decided to cast the sculpture with these real suspenders, I must prepare them for the mold making process. Every place where there is an undercut, a deep area like behind the suspenders or in between, it must be sealed. This is a place where rubber can get caught during the mold making process. That is our next step, and I hope to get to it in the next few days. I’m filling in the gaps very carefully. I can still show depth in between the suspenders, but it won’t go all the way through. Just a few more things to add to get this together.

We are getting there. Keep reading to see how the newspaper is sculpted and his hand is added in the next blog post Adding the Hand to the Life-Size Sculpture And Sculpting the Newspaper.

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