Notes From The Marketing In The Arts Workshop Last Night

We covered a lot in the workshop on arts and marketing last night at the Society of Children’s Book Writers and illustrators- Houston.  Here is a list of some of my suggestions and links that others may be interested in. This was on the handout and may not make sense to everyone, especially those who missed the event.  I’m excluding the items we did not have time to cover.

Accountability If you want to make a change in your marketing efforts than accountability is the key.  Find an accountability partner or come by the forum and sign up and post your progress and questions. The forum is an informative place that I will be checking in. ( In 2020 the forum is replaced with a private facebook group for all of those who have taken the online marketing workshop webinars. ) It is like asking me questions and getting one on one help but instead with a community to help you as well. (In 2020 Bridgette replaced the forum with a private facebook group for all who have taken her webinars or workshops.)

Plan for Your Pony- Homework
List five people you admire who are doing what you want to be doing. Contact them and ask them how they got started and if they have any suggestions.
Find as many organizations that work with people who do what you want. Get their information and if possible join their organizations.
Search periodicals that are about what you want to do. Are there any clubs, computer forums?  Subscribe to them.
Do you have a list of competitors?  What are they doing?
What tools do you need? What are their cost, where do you get them?

To learn about how to market
your website and for
free submission you
must check out

Where can you gain more knowledge about the mechanics of what you want to do?
100 Ideas

I am committing to____hours of marketing___ days a week from now until_______.

We spoke about creating blogs and websites and about secure servers for selling items.

Here is you check list

  • Obtain a domain name
  • Create a site map
  • Write your content
  • Pick hosting company
  • Create you website- I highly suggest using a word press Website. It is easy to maintain.
  • Create meta data ( we did not get to cover this)
  • Promote (we did not get to cover this)  Though I did tell everyone to go to this incredible website called You will know you are at the right spot if you see tooter!  This little guy .

Some thoughts on blogs and websites

  • It is better to have one under your own domain name. but having something is better than having nothing at all.
  • To find a domain name go to Network Solutions and check it out.
  • Cost of a domain name registration $15.00, but some hosting companies will give you that for signing up.
  • Cost of webs hosting $4.95-8.95 and up.  ( Little cost, price depends on hosting companies) I use hostgator.
  • Cost- Learning curve- there will be one.
  • WordPress 101 has some great Videos on getting started in WordPress.  My friend Shawn just asks for a donation and half of that goes for breast cancer awareness as he supports his sister’s fight with breast cancer. Check out the videos. Shawn also suggested Hundred Buck Website or  Though you can just go to hostgator and ask them to sign you up and put up a wordpress blog and then just start creating it.  If you have questions Hostgator is pretty helpful but won’t talk to you about the wordpress portion of it after the blog is on and you get your admin panel. Then I would suggest Shawn’s tutorials and if you have questions you can also post them on the forum.

If you have a book published check out Amazon’s author pages. Get one yourself.

We learned about RSS feed- here is a great video that I use to show people about RSS Feed.

I also gave  the following links to assist you in your marketing efforts.

To help you to write down your thoughts and gather your information I love clustering.  Learn more about clustering from Gabriele Lusser Rico

One to One- This is the best thing for apple users.  Need guidance all the way through making your website or blog, creating a podcast or other things. Check this out. Incredible.  Check out this video on One to One. Sorry PC people this incredible resource is only available to Mac.

Don’t forget to check out HARO which is great for gathering information for articles and also finding a place to pitch your own work.  Here is a video on HARO that I created. This topic was actually in our first workshop.

We did not have time to go over SEO Search Engine Optimization, Marketing with Articles, Twitter, Video, Podcast and others.

Bridgette Mongeon
Sculptor, Writer and Speaker

Bridgette Mongeon is a sculptor, writer and educator as well as a public speaker. Her blog can be found at

She is also the owner and creator of the God’s Word Collectible Sculpture series
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