Painting Again!

Leave it to me, a perpetual learner, to find a new creative endeavor. It has been a while since I learned a new computer program, and I must admit spending time on the computer in the office is far from having my hands covered in clay. However, My husband purchased this new Cintiq computer table that I have mentioned before. This is a graphics tablet that looks like a computer screen but allows you to draw right on the tablet.

We have had it in the office for a while, and I think we are leaning toward buying an additional tablet. It really is wonderful to work on. Unlike other tablets where you draw on the table on a tablet and then it appears on the screen. Frankly that does something to my brain, it just does not compute. This tablet has helped me in many different ways with my art and I am glad we invested into it. Can’t wait to have one of my own.

A few weeks ago my husband said, “you should see this new program I have, it is like painting.” The program is called Corel Painter

It is amazing what it can do. So when hubby was taking a lunch break and his computer was free I would try it out. I’m sold. Though you can draw, paint in oils, ink and many other mediums using Painter I have chosen my other medium of choice, and one of the most difficult to master- watercolor. I have painted in watercolor for years and even taught it for a time. But this digital watercolor is a bit different. It may take me some time to master. I thought I would post one of my traditional watercolors so that you can see what I am aspiring to do in this new digital medium.

Why not use the traditional, you might ask? Because it does not mix well in the sculpting studio, it is not a forgiving medium and the digital does offer many things that the traditional does not. I am working on a children’s book illustrating it in this digital watercolor and I am having so much fun in my spare time, which I have very little of with sculpting and writing.

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