Pedagogical Philosophy of Bridgette Mongeon

It was recently brought to my attention that I needed to have a pedagogical philosophy. At the time, I was not sure I had one. But after some thought I discovered that not only did I have one, I was quite passionate about it. And so, I am sharing it here.

My next personal assignment- a pedagogical philosophy as it pertains to teaching technology.

Pedagogical Philosophy of Bridgette Mongeon

Having myself experienced the wonderful learning engrained in Dewey pedagogy at both Vermont College and Goddard College it is a given that this educational experience would affect how I teach. But experiential education was a part of my own personal, perpetual learning experiences long before undergraduate or graduate work. It has propelled me into my many advancements including that of the title of Master Sculptor.

Passion and Experiential Learning

Assisting an individual to take charge of their own learning through ongoing dialogue, empowering them with knowledge and resources, and helping them to find opportunities that will enhance their life long learning while encouraging professional advancements means tapping into the passion of the individual. Tap that passion and an undying enthusiasm for learning will develop. Even though I am teaching a subject or a discipline of art or writing even helping other with their career goals, as creative individuals it is this personal passion that I am hoping to ignite.

Life is Interdisciplinary A creative life and education is inherently interdisciplinary. It is rare that you will meet a gifted individual who is single minded in their creative practice. The individual and their creativity are usually extremely complex. The key is to encourage and celebrate the interdisciplinary excitement and exploration of the creative individual while also encouraging focus. This means that an instructor is more than just teaching a subject or a discipline, but they are helping a student to explore

Communication and Differences

Communication is essential, between students and instructor as well as between instructor, coworkers and administration. It is also necessary to understand that individuals work differently when it comes to accepting and retaining information.

Understanding the diverse array of students, their cultural backgrounds as well as their experiential backgrounds and tailoring or tweaking the teaching style also helps with this clear communication. Finding the perfect dialogue that will fit each individual’s learning style and diversity, and being sure of clear communication with students, coworkers and administration is at times a challenge, but a challenge that I find continues to be my own welcomed exploration of the study of the psychology of learning and behavior.

Creative Angst

As an artist, writer, musician and business owner I understand the diverse nature of creativity and am intimately familiar with the struggles that students can have as they push through the creative process for either in individual projects, a semester, or in just trying to find their own voice. Understanding this internal war of art and sharing my own experiences, and by showing respect for the student and the process, while being transparent enough to allow the student to know their struggle gives us a rapport.

Size of Classes Small- Large- Challenged

Throughout my long career as a creative person and educator I have developed educational programs to assist individuals in tapping into their creativity. These have been presented to children, adults and those who suffer from emotional and psychological disabilities. I have taught sculpting, writing, art, and the business of art along with other subjects one on one, in small groups and at large lectures. In all of these instructional venues I strive for the personal connection to each individual through sharing and exploration. Education is a collaborative effort as one stands on the shoulders of those who have gone before or shares information for research and makes advances.

Teaching is more than a job; it actually offers a way for me to fill the unquenchable need to pass on information. To help those who are struggling through areas that I have come through, and to ignite self esteem.

My research and involvement in the art community continues. I look forward to sharing these resources and opportunities with my students. Through this education I will find ways for them to ignite their self-assurance and to apply their newfound knowledge, while realizing that, “Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.” John Dewey.

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