Picking A Pose For A Sculpture To Represent A Life Live

It can’t be easy trying to pick a pose of your child that you want to represent an entire life, the emotion between two individuals or this special persons interaction with the entire world. I think for the most part both Jenna’s mom and I depend on intuition, or maybe even a little guidance from Jenna. Taking some suggestions from Jenna’s mom on a possible revision of poses I raised the head, but intuitively the hand needed to be raised. The pose is the same otherwise.

How about taking out the lower part of the headstone? It changes the feel of the sculpture entirely. Something we may or may not want to consider. When I first saw pictures of Jenna I thought, “she will be in ballet or perhaps Cirque du Soleil” She just seemed to have an intuition about her own body and expressed all emotion through it.

Looking over the few photographs that I have on my computer she is constantly raising one leg. I am really not sure how she did this without losing her balance. I guess I call it a body squeal. Her body cannot contain the joy. I gave her this same enthusiasm in the one-seated post but took out the idea of her sock and replaced it with a butterfly (represented in the poser figure as a ball). I pulled her headstone behind her a bit so as to balance her in her squeal.

Jenna’s mom often referred to the finger plays that they used to do together. I know very little about them but if I close my eyes I can picture Jenna’s enthusiasm, her verbal and body squeals. I pushed the creativity a bit further and decided to shape Jenna’s left hand in a different pose. Instead of an open hand or a pointing finger that might appear in this pose, I shaped her left hand into the sign language shape for “I love you”. As a hidden message to her family and a representation of this very precious game between mom and child.

It was down to the two poses, crawling over the headstone, and taking off the sock. Now I put more things in the mix. I don’t know if this will confuse Jenna’s parents or help them solidify the process. From past experiences of creating posthumous sculpture it usually just all works itself out.

Don’t you just love this Poser program! Making changes and seeing it from all directions is so wonderful.
If you want to see any of the photographs larger, just click on the image.

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