Sculpture Judge For Culture Shapers

Once again it was that time of the year for the Culture Shapers art contest. Here is a link to the top 10. And a couple of photographs of my favorites. I can not tell you the order of the top 10 that is secrete and won’t be revealed until the 9th annual awards ceremony on November 20th.

The entries seemed to be down this year. Probably due to hurricane Ike. After all many students were out of school for a couple of weeks. The contest was also administrated a bit differently this year in that all of the work was taken in on one day, as well as judged on one day. I am sure this was a nightmare for culture shapers but I really enjoyed seeing and meeting all of the other judges. Sometimes your life can feel very lonely when you sculpting in the studio followed by writing upstairs in the office.

Once again I must say that any art show is subjective. It really depends on the judges. This year I had two entirely different judges. They like what they do an I like what I do. I am willing to fight over the pieces that I feel need to be at the top, but then again there area some concessions that need to be made as well. I can’t believe I didn’t take pictures of all of my favorites but here are a few.

Mother Nature
Kelsey Brinson
Cy-Ridge HS
Cy-Fair ISD
Teacher: Claire Vining

Adolere, Orare, Adorare
Anda Brown
Clear Creek HS
Clear Creek ISD
Teacher: Terri Foltz-Fox

This one is hard to see, but it is twined hands. I love reading what the kids say about the artwork.This actually represents what they went through when having so much destruction on their home during Ike.

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