So Busy I Have Not Been Able To Post, But Here Is The Latest

The ears and teeth are cut off of the head and it is covered first in rubber, then in a fiberglass mother mold. 

We finally finished all of the molds on the tiger. As you have read in previous posts we needed a rubber mold and a mother mold.  Once that was done it was on to the rock. First we put the upper and lower section of rock together and then cut it in half for mold making.  We could not do resin and fiberglass outside of the studio so we coated the inside of my home studio with plastic. It made it look quite spooky but it served its purpose. The same process took place on both the upper and lower rocks. First rubber was painted on and then fiberglass. We worked long hours and one night worked through until 8:00 a.m.  I’m really doing my best to try to get this to the foundry as early as possible. Next week, when I am at the foundry,  we will find out if the sculpture can be delivered in time for homecoming. 

I had a wonderful team of people helping with the rocks. 
A delivery to my front porch means there is lots of work ahead of us . 

The studio is coated in plastic to protect from fiberglass fibers and dust. 
Those are some big rocks. 

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