
It looks like I was able to move my ftp blog that was on blogger and destined to shut down come the first of May to Word Press. IT was much easier than I would have thought, but I made more work for myself in that I moved my entire site from USA Hosting to Host Gator.

Why? I don’t know actually. USA hosting was quite a good hosting company, but we did buy a reseller account and hope to host all of our sites under this account. This action was prompted by the fact that we have yet another website that will be going live very shortly. And hubby suggested if I was moving I should move the site first and then go ahead and set up Word Press.

There is still some formatting to do, but I am thrilled that it is here and up.


Here is a hint. Word press import tool will not work with an ftp site. So I first changed my Blogger Ftp site to a regular blogger page and everything has uploaded perfectly. OF course the formatting of the page looks like a wordpress blog, but we will add the web header shortly. Now on to redirecting the DNS to point to the new server.

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